Consumer FAQ & Retailer FAQ

1/ Consumer Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know when passionfruit are ripe and ready to eat?

Passionfruit are not actually picked from the vine – they fall to the ground when they are ready they are ready to be harvested. They are an even dark purple in colour and can be eaten or used in a variety of recipes at this stage, but they are at their sweetest if they are left to wrinkle! 

Simply cut the fruit lengthwise and scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

How do I store passionfruit at home and how long will they keep?

Passionfruit are best kept chilled in a refrigerator. They will keep for about two weeks if kept in this manner. Do not keep them in a warm temperature or in direct sunlight as this will hasten ripening.

Can I freeze passionfruit?

Yes. Passionfruit freeze extremely well. Simply scoop the fruit into a bowl, add a little sugar and freeze in ice cube trays. Put into air tight plastic bags when frozen.

Can I eat passionfruit raw?

Yes, especially if the fruit is wrinkly.

Just scoop out the fruit and discard the thick skin which is inedible.

What sort of recipes can passionfruit be used in?

Passionfruit can be used in many different recipes – savory and sweet. For example, add the fruit of one passionfruit to butter icing to give a delightfully different taste to a sweet cake filling. Adding the fruit of just one passionfruit to fruit salad gives a refreshing and unusual flavour.

For more great passionfruit recipes, click here!

Which vitamins do passionfruit contain?

Passionfruit contains Vitamins C, E and some B’s and are a good source of potassium

When are passionfruit most plentiful?

Passionfruit normally appear in the supermarkets from late January.

They are at their peak in April and there are limited supplies until at least July.

2/ Retailer Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to maintain the quality of passionfruit in storage?

Passionfruit needs to be stored at an approximate temperature of 5degreesC.

It requires to be stored in shallow containers to avoid crushing the bottom layer of fruit

How long a shelf life do passionfruit have?

Passionfruit has extremely good keeping qualities if kept under the correct conditions. Passionfruit can be kept on the shop shelves for approximately two weeks and can also be in cool storage for a week before being placed on the shelves.

How should I display passionfruit?

Passionfruit is best displayed with other exotic fruit.

Although it does not bruise easily passionfruit has a waxy skin which marks if not handled with care.

What attracts the consumer to passionfruit?

Passionfruit has such a rich flavour that it enhances many recipes giving them an exotic taste. Once the consumer has tasted and used passionfruit they will become repeat buyers.

Who should we be targeting to buy passionfruit?

Passionfruit is such an exotic fruit that once food lovers and people who like to try new foods have used it, they will want to use it often.